Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 89

volume Number : 16
number In Volume : 7
issue Number : 89

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 16، number In Volume 7، ، issue Number 89

Analysis of the novel "Azadeh Khanum and its author" by Reza Braheni Based on Roland Barthes' theory of five codes

Leila Dalvand , Narges Mohammadi Badr (Author in Charge), Fateme Kopa , Behnaz Alipour Gaskari


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Narratology is a field of criticism and literary theory that tries to find out the general mechanisms of meaning-making in all types of narratives through a detailed analysis of narratives. This method of criticizing literary texts can be done in various ways, including narratology in the style of Roland Barthes. According to Barthes, in addition to having secondary cultural, ideological and political meanings, narratives shape our perception of the world around us. Based on this, the main goal of the upcoming article is to analyze the contemporary Persian novel "Azade Khanom and its author" according to Barth"s five codes and to represent this complex and multi-layered work with the help of these codes of the underlying and hidden layers.

METHODOLOGY: This research was done in a descriptive-analytical way. With the approach of narratology, he collected information in the manner of five codes of Roland Barthes.

FINDINGS: In examining the narrative structure of "Azadeh Khanum and its author" based on Roland Barthes" five-code model, it was observed that the narrative structure of this novel is different from other Persian novels. Its different parts are in terms of time, space, and events without a linear sequence. and are a logical sequence. According to Barthes" model of narratology, semantic symbols have a prominent and meaning-making function in this narrative. Because each of the characters, places and events have implicit meanings that include the theme of the novel.

CONCLUSION: In the semantic codes, the implied meaning is checked based on the characteristics of the characters in the story and their actions. In these codes, it was stated that the key signifier and the central role of the novel "Azade Khanom" are. The same name includes the theme of the novel, freedom; The opposite point evokes captivity. In symbolic codes, it was stated that two different views (Dai Oghli and Beb Oghli), the class of the powerful and ordinary people, men and women, are always in opposition to each other in the intellectual system of the society.

Azadeh Khanum and her author , Persian novel , code , narratology , Roland Barthes

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